20 places, 10 rooms, Cheia, DN 1 A, nr. 545, jud. Prahova
Check-in: Check-out:
We offer you accommodation in 10 rooms, capacity of 20 seats.
You're welcome!
You're welcome!
Facilities in rooms:
- room with balcony (terrace room)
- Non-Smoking Room
- TV (cable tv, digital tv, tv digitv, tv boom)
- central heating
- Extra bed in room
- bath room
- bath with shower cabin
- wireless internet
Facilities in the establishment:
- livingroom
- fire place
- dining room
- kitchen
- refrigerator
- terrace
- covered terrace
- internet access (Internet)
- wireless internet
- parking space
- pavilion
- swing
- barbecue (grill)
- Telekom network coverage
- Orange network coverage
- Vodafone network coverage
- Disabled access