
Rates from 01 December 2024 until 31 March 2025:
Rate for Double room - 2 places:
• for one night only: 250 Lei during the week, Lei in weekend
• for or more nights reserved: Lei / night during the week, Lei / night in weekend
Rate for Triple room - 3 places:
• for one night only: 330 Lei during the week, Lei in weekend
• for or more nights reserved: Lei / night during the week, Lei / night in weekend
Rate for Apartment - 4 places:
• for one night only: 400 Lei during the week, Lei in weekend
• for or more nights reserved: Lei / night during the week, Lei / night in weekend
Rate for Camera hostel:
• for one night only: 80 Lei during the week, Lei in weekend
• for or more nights reserved: Lei / night during the week, Lei / night in weekend
Rates from 01 April 2025 until 30 September 2025:
Rate for Double room - 2 places:
• for one night only: 180 Lei during the week, Lei in weekend
• for or more nights reserved: Lei / night during the week, Lei / night in weekend
Rate for Triple room - 3 places:
• for one night only: 280 Lei during the week, Lei in weekend
• for or more nights reserved: Lei / night during the week, Lei / night in weekend
Rate for Apartment - 4 places:
• for one night only: 350 Lei during the week, Lei in weekend
• for or more nights reserved: Lei / night during the week, Lei / night in weekend
Rate for Camera hostel:
• for one night only: 60 Lei during the week, Lei in weekend
• for or more nights reserved: Lei / night during the week, Lei / night in weekend
Check-in:      Check-out:
Rezervarile se fac doar telefonic!

Pensiunea este o locatie excelenta pt. odihna si relaxare. Situata intr-o zona linistita, cu o priveliste superba asupra Muntilor Rodnei, Pensiunea Pasul Prislop dispune de un grad ridicat de confort. Camerele sunt luminoase, spatioase cu bai proprii dotate, tv (LCD) acces la internet. Locatia dispune de restaurant cu 80 locuri unde puteti servi mancare traditionala. Ete situat la baza partie Prislop, intr-o zona foarte linistita departe de trafic si de aglomeratie. Partia este nocturna, dotata cu telescaun. Puteti sa va bucurati de tiroliana.
De asemenea dorim să vă informăm că, pt. perioada de vară organizăm tabere.
Pensiunea se poate închiria pt aniversări onomastice.

Va asteptam cu mult drag.

Facilities in rooms:

  •   room with balcony (terrace room)
  •   TV (cable tv, digital tv, tv digitv, tv boom)
  •   central heating
  •   bath room
  •   bath with shower cabin
  •   wireless internet

Facilities in the establishment:

  •   restaurant
  •   bar
  •   internet access (Internet)
  •   wireless internet
  •   parking space

Request reservation from

Please select your booking period:

Choose the rooms:

double room (2 places):
triple room (3 places):
apartment (4 places):
(1 places):

Your Name:

Your email:

Your Telephone Number:

I understand and agree that by submitting this booking request, the owner of the accommodation unit on the one hand and CARTA on the other hand will keep a record of my name, my phone number, my email address and my IP address. [click here for more information on personal data]. I agree to receive text and email alerts about the status of my reservation.
I have read and agree to the conditions below:

Practical advice for your reservation:
  • when you call, do not forget to mention to guarantee rates and packages shown here
  • if you made a reservation through telephone, confirm reservation using the reservation form - that way you and the owners will also have a record of your reservation data


Borșa, str. Preluca Tatarilor, nr. 73 l,


Otilia simona Vizureanu:
Location: ☆☆☆☆☆ 5 / 5
Cleanliness: ☆☆☆☆☆ 5 / 5
Friendliness: ☆☆☆☆☆ 5 / 5
23 December 2024, 10:16

+40 755 797 662
languages ro en de hu fr es it