Accommodation Baia de Aramă without inter­mediaries

The displayed rates are the minimum per person available today.
Caut doar unități de cazare care închiriază:

1 Accommodation in Baia de Aramă

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12 places, 5 rooms
Our unit is located in Baia de Arama, in the north of Mehedinti County, on Victoriei Street, number 44. Every day, from Monday to Saturday, we are waiting for you in our downstairs restaurant with fresh produce and we prepare your menu for just 12 lei. Varied salads, steaks, soups, desserts and other dishes are waiting to be tasted by you. The restaurant has a capacity of 100 seats and can [...] read more »
Baia de Aramă, Str. Victoriei, nr. 44, jud. Mehedinti

Baia de Aramă
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